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九年级英语上学期Unit 4学案

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九年级英语上学期Unit 4学案


九年级英语上学期Unit 4学案

    1. I'm far too busy to go shopping.      我实在太忙了,没时间去买东西。
    ★far用作副词相当于very, quite,意为"很""非常",常修饰形容词、副词、比较级或最高级,强调程度,表示"……很多"。
    He is _______________________(实在太忙) to reply to his parents' letters.
    Chinese is far ___________________(有趣) than the other subjects.
    他们的房间比你们的大很多。Their room is               than yours.
    ★adj.远 ( farther, farthest / further, furthest)
    (   )The bookstore is about one hundred meters _____the bar along the road.
    A. away from   B. far from   C. far away    D. from far
    I think it's necessary to have a ___________(far) discussion.
    2. Then I'll have lunch and a little sleep between 2 and 7.
    然后,在两点至七点之间我吃午饭并睡会儿。  a sleep表示'一段时间的睡眠'。
    You can sit between          and          .  你可以坐在我和他中间。
    There is a picture hanging          the two windows.  两扇窗户中间挂着一幅画。
    The animals usually hide           the trees in the daytime.野兽白天通常藏在树林之间。
    He is              (strong) among the boys.
    3. A weekly round-up of what is happening in sport, with lots of up-to-date information.
    ★sport做运动讲是不可数名词。        sports是表示多种运动项目,种类。
    I like doing             .I take part in several         in the           meeting last autumn.
    ①They are doing                    .  他们在进行每周一次的大扫除。
    ★up-to-date 最新的, 其反义词是out of date.
    4. There are also a number of interviews with the famous football players.  还有许多对着名球员的采访。
    ★a number of  "许多,大量",修饰可数名词的复数形式,相当于many,动词用复数。
    the number of …的数量, 动词用单数。
    students are playing on the playground.
    The number of students in our class            (be )  42.
    Now the number of the traffic accidents                   ( increase).
    ★ interview  n.采访  v. 采访   have an

interview with ……= interview ……  采访 ……
    I will interview some famous pop stars. 我将会采访一些巨星
    = I will                              some famous pop stars
    5. The programme covers different sports, such as swimming, basketball , badminton and football.
    这些讲座涉及的内容极为广泛。The lectures covered a lot of subjects. 
    Flood water covers our fields.  洪水淹没了我们的田地。
    Please cover the bowl with a piece of paper.  请用纸把碗盖上。
    He is covering the sports meeting.  他正在报道运动会的情况。
    6. Amy came first in the race. She ran (the) fastest.  (得第一)
    7.However, if you are not a football fan, you might find this week's programme a bit boring.

    ★原句中的a bit boring是谓语动find的宾语补足语。find可接多种形式的宾语补足语。如:
    ★当find的宾语是一个动词不定式短语时,这种结构常写作"find it + 形容词 + to do sth."的形式,意思是"发现做某事很……"。如:
    单句: He found it easy to make friends with others. 
    复合句:He found (    )it                                         
    8. A report on preparations for the coming World Cup will also be included
    include  v.     including   prep.
    9. This year's Beijing Music Awards will be covered live . (作副词)
    ★live除了作副词外 还可以用作形容词,意为"现场播出的""实况转播的"。如:
    Some television and radio programs are live.  有些电视和广播节目是实况播送的。
    There is going to be a live TV programme this evening.  今晚有电视现场直播节目。
    ★ alive意为"活着的""在世的",既可以修饰人也可以修饰物。alive作后置修饰语,有种"大难不死的感觉"
    There are still some fish             in the tank.
    Are there any          things on one of those stars? 
    He had a strange way of making his classes              and interesting
    ★live by意为"……靠……为生"=make a li

ving by doing sth=do sth for a living
    They lived by selling newspapers.  他们靠卖报为生。
    live on意为"以……为食""继续活着"。如:
    10, The presentation will be held in Beijing this coming Saturday.
    ★hold在本课中作动词,意为"举行""进行"。 (= take place )如:
    11. Many famous Aisan pop stars will attend.   许多着名的亚洲流行乐坛的巨星将出席这次盛会。
    take part in指参加会议或群众性活动,重在说明参加活动并发挥作用,该短语不能用于被动语态。
    Who                 the meeting? 谁出席了会议?
    His sister               the League last year.  他的妹妹去年参加了共青团。
    Please             in the party.  请一起参加我们的聚会吧。
    We'll         social activities during the summer vacation. 我们在暑假期间将参加社会活动。

    Are you going to                  the discussion?  你将参加讨论吗?
    13. Twenty thousand fans have voted online for their favourite songs, singers and music videos.
    14. The results will be announced during the programme and then some questions will follow.
    晨报发表了史密斯先生的死亡消息。                                &nbs

    15. 发送文本信息到1396     send text messages to 1396
    16. Murder is a Country House is a horror film   directed by Cindy Clark, a new director.
    17.in the film , a doctor is found dead in his house 
    18.The film is excellent and full of horror and mystery. 影片非常精彩,而且充满了恐怖和神秘色彩。
    Please write down your              and              .  请写下你的全名和详细地址。
    He got                      in the exam yesterday.  他昨天考试得了满分。
    ★be full of意为"充满……",相当于be filled with。如:
    The bottle is full of wine.  这瓶子装满了酒。=                                     
    19. If you get scared easily, do not watch it! The actors are all new, yet they all did very well.
    I have slept for eight hours, yet  I'm still sleepy.  我已睡了八小时,可我还想睡。
    晚饭还没有准备好。Supper isn't ready yet. 
    邮局已经关门了吗?Is the post office closed yet? 
    20. This one- hour documentary takes a close look at the life of tigers in India.
    take a close look at …近距离地看…/关注
    21. After you watch this programme , you will realize how much danger thes

e tigers face.
    ★face   n. 脸   v. 朝,向,面对
    The big boy ________________(打在他的脸上), and the blood run down his nose.
    我的家朝着公园                                            .

    It's typical _____him ________(面对) difficulties directly and bravely by himself.
    ★face to face 面对面        He turned around and found himself face to face with her.
    make a face at sb 对……作鬼脸     I made faces at the baby to made it laugh.
    22. The documentary explains that these tigers are being killed for their skin and bones.
    纪录片说明了这些老虎由于他们的毛皮与骨头正面临着屠杀    被动语态用于现在进行时
    23. Tiger Watch was filmed in India between 2004 and 2006 . It shows the tigers in their natural habitat.
    Tiger Watch在2004与2006年之间在印度被拍摄 。它展现了老虎在他们自然的栖息地的生活
    表演,演出 (既可作名词,也可作动词)  
    What _______________(电视节目) do you watch?
    Will this film ______________(上演)at this cinema soon?
    给……看,出示show, showed, shown
    Would you please _________________________________(给我看你的票)?
    This sign shows the road to London.
    I'll show you how to do it.  我来做给你们看该怎样做。
    His speech showed that he didn't understand the subject. 他的发言说明他对这问题并不了解。
    一些短语:show sb around sw ,  show off,  chat show,  on show=on display=on exhibition ,
    show sb. sth. 或show sth. to sb.
    24. You can see scenes of India, one of the few places on Earth where tigers still live.
    ★on earth意为"世界上",相当于in the world。有时Earth大写是为了加强语气,以烘托珍稀的含义。You are the happiest man on earth.  你是世界上最幸福的人。
    ★on earth  还可以表示"究竟,到底"
    Where on earth can he be? 译为:                   What on earth do you mean? 译为:
    25. I learn a lot about nature, history, and real-life events from them.
    26. It is you who made our story so perfect. 使我们的故事如此完美的人就是你
    27.Victor tried to throw the remote control onto the table, but it fell onto Nancy's foot..
    28. They started to argue about what TV prgrammes to watch.
    29. The two children disagree about everything and always argue.
    在……上有分歧   disagree about ……&

nbsp;    互相意见不一致disagree  with each other
    30. Every one of them has their own favourite TV programme.
    Everyone 如果分开写成 every  one  后面就可以接of ,否则不行,只能用each
    1. while / as/when 的用法
    ①My father fell asleep  while/as he was reading the newspaper. 我父亲在看报时睡着了。
    短暂性动作               延续性动作
    ②While mother was cooking,  father was repairing the bookcase. 当妈在烧饭时,爸在修书架。
    延续性动作                延续性动作
    ③As Millie sat down in the sofa ,  Andy came into the room.  Millie刚坐下Andy就进来了
    短暂性动作                     短暂性动作
    注:when基本上都可以替换上面所有的 while/as ,差别不大!延续性动作通常用进行时来表示,
    ①I like music while my brother likes sports. 我喜欢音乐而我的哥哥喜欢体育。
    ①As he had some exercises to grade, he didn't go with us.
    ②As it is raining hard, you'd better put on your raincoat. 由于雨下得很大,你最好穿上雨衣。

    ①You must do everything as I do. 你必须如同我做的一样来做每一件事。
    ②Please do as I told you. 请按照我告诉你的去做。
    2.. 副词的比较等级和最高级
    ①as + 副词原级 + as意为"与……一样",表示同级比较。如:
    He doesn't do so well in the test as Mary. 他在测试中没有玛丽做得好。
    ②比较级副词 + than意为"比……更",表示两者之间比较。如:
    They now live more happily than before. 他们现在比以前过得幸福。
    ③副词比较级 + 副词比较级,意为"越来越……"。如:
    It snowed more and more heavily. 雪下得越来越大。
    ④the + 副词的比较级,the + 副词的比较级,意为"越……就越……"。如:
    The faster you type, the more mistakes you will make. 你打字打得越快,你出的错也会越多。
    ⑤The + 副词的最高级 + 比较范围(三者或三者以上),意为"最……"。如:
    Henry (the ) jumps highest of all the athletes. 亨利是所有运动员中跳得最高的。
    【注】在as, so, too, very, quite等词后,只用原级。如:
    Thank you for teaching us so well. 谢谢你教我们这么好。
    Tom did very well in the long jump. 汤姆在跳远比赛中表现出色。
    I got up too late this morning. 我今天起床太晚了。
    He doesn't write as / so carefully as his brother. 他写字不如他哥哥认真。
    9A UNIT4
    1. I'd like to take part in the writing _________________(竟赛).
    2. The ____________(摄影) of Tiger Watch is very excellent.
    3. The film Murder in a House is full of ________________(恐怖).
    4. I _____________(赢) Li Ming in the long jump.

sp;   5. The young girl was __________________(谋杀) by the riverside.
    6. It's good to form a  h_______________(sth you always do) of reading
    7. Is this newspaper a  w______________(for a week) or daily?
    8. His mobile phone is  u_______________(of the present time; modern)
    9. He is the d_________(person who tells actors and actresses what to do in a play or a film) of the film.
    10. He was awarded a  p____________(sth won in a concert; award) for his composition.
    11. Our football team did ___________(差) in the final match last time.
    12. Li Lei jumped ___________(远) of all in the long jump.
    13. Peter run as ____________(快) as Paul.
    14. Travelling by train is much ___________(便宜) than by plane but __________(慢)。
    (   ) 1. -----I enjoyed myself very much at yesterday's party.        ------- _________________.
    A. Yes, you do   B. I'm glad to hear that.  C. Thank you all the same.  D. I think so.
    (   ) 2. -------I got the first prize in this English competition.  --------__________.
    A. Oh, how surprised !        B. It's so nice of you to say so. 
    C. Congratulations.           D. So did you
    (   ) 3. ----- I hope you won't be too careless next time.   ------ __________.
    A. Sorry, I won't  B. Yes, I will  C. Thank you, I know  D. Don't worry
    (   ) 4. ------ Hello, Could I speak to Jim?   ------__________.
    A. Yes, I am   B. No, you couldn't   C. Hold on for a moment.  D. Please don't go away
    (   ) 5. --- I lost my wallet on my way to school this morning. ------ ________.
    A. That's too bad   B. It doesn't matter   C. What a pity   D. You are welcome
    (   ) 6. ____music fan you are ! You know so ______ about music.
    A. How, little   B. What , lot  C. What a, much   D. How a, many
    (  ) 7. It is ____hard work _____nobody is able to finish it.
    A. too, to   B. so, that   C. a very, so   D. such, that
    (   ) 8. I was doing my homework ______ suddenly a dog came in.
    A. while   B. as soon as   C. when   D. because
    (   ) 9. ____ everyone is here, let's begin our meeting.   A. while   B. if   C. since   D. when

    (   ) 10. Please wait here _____ I come back.   A. when   B. until   C. if   D. as soon as

   (   ) 11. _____ I was writing letters last night, he was watching TV.
    A. because   B. while   C. since   D. after
    (   ) 12. ----______will you be away?   ------ In a couple of weeks.
    A. What time   B. How soon   C. How often   D. How long
    (   ) 13. You should keep your clothes _______. Tom. A. be clean B. to be clean C. clean D. cleaning
    (   ) 14.  ____ your books, Tom. Don't leave your things here and there.
    A. Put on   B. Put away   C. Putting on   D. Putting away
    (   ) 15. ---- have you been away from your hometown? -----  For about 13 years.
    A. How many   B. How long   C. How many times   D. How often
    (   ) 16. Many students enjoy the book Harry Potter _____ by J.K.Rowling.
    A. written   B. was written   C. wrote   D. was writing




九年级英语上学期Unit 4学案
